Thursday, February 23, 2023

Muhammad Forbidden from Issuing Any Religious Teachings?


        Muhammad Forbidden from Issuing Any Religious Teachings

An enquiry into Dr. Khalifa’s translation of 69:44


Dr. Rashad Khalifa and the Qur’an-only movement is well known to promote anti-hadith claims. What may be less known is that Dr. Khalifa and his followers went beyond simply alleging the falsity of hadith. They argue that anything outside of the Qur’an is false. From their point of view the Prophet Muhammad only received the Qur’an and the only purpose of the prophet’s mission was to deliver the holy writ.  One of the arguments constructed against hadith was to argue the Prophet was forbidden from “issuing any religious teachings” based on a unique reading of Surah Haqq 69:44.  Our purpose is to analyze Dr. Khalifa’s interpretation of the said verse.


The Final Testament, the translation of the Qur’an according to Dr. Khalifa has  a number of unique claims. One of these claims is found in Surah Al Haqqah.  The subtitle to 69:44-52 reads “Muhammad Forbidden from Issuing Any Religious Teachings.” Dr. Khalifa writes this above the verse in arabic Wa law taqawwala ʿalaynā baʿa l-aqāwīl which he translates to mean “ Had he uttered any other teachings.”  The notion that the Prophet Muhammad was forbidden from teaching would sound puzzling to people unfamiliar with Dr. Khalifa’s claims. As early as 1985 Dr. Khalifa used the said verses in Surah Haqqah to proclaim “Qur’an is the only utterance by Muhammad to be upheld as THE ONLY SOURCE OF RELIGIOUS TEACHING” (Muslim Perspective May 1985, pg 3) Dr. Khalifa repeats this assertion in the appendix to the Qur’an entitled ‘Hadith and Sunnah: Satanic innovations’ where he states “The prophet Muhammad was enjoined, in very strong words, from issuing any religious teachings besides the Quran”(Appendix 19.)  The translation of Dr. Khalifa is below:


[69:44] Had he uttered any other teachings.

[69:45] We would have punished him.

[69:46] We would have stopped the revelations to him.


The subtitle to the above verses is “Muhammad Forbidden from Issuing Any Religious Teachings.”  Dr. Khalifa obviously wants us to understand the four verses above according to the subtitle.  We are to understand that God is reassuring believers about limitations to the Prophet’s mission. If the Prophet stated “any other teachings” then God will punish him. God will also stop revelation to the Prophet because he uttered any other teachings, outside the Qur’an.   So the only things the Prophet ever taught was the “Qur’an.”  We can thus disregard any hadith that contradicts the Qur’an. (Dr. Khalifa tells us to dismiss all of the hadith anyways.)


What does it mean when Dr. Khalifa writes, per subtitle “Muhammad Forbidden from Issuing Any Religious Teachings”?  Does he meant that the Prophet cannot teach anything, including Qur’an? Maybe Dr. Khalifa meant “any other teachings” as he translated 69:44. But in that case even a traditional Sunni-Shia would argue that all their hadiths are in line with the Qur’an and not “other teachings.”  We will give Dr. Khalifa some leeway and assume the editor did not fix his poorly written English. Instead, we will take the subtitle to imply what he stated in appendix 19 and the May 1985 issue of his newsletter; that “only the Qur’an is a source of religious teaching.”


A comparative translation process will help us critique the Final Testament. “Had he uttered any other teachings” is how Dr. Khalifa translates the above verses.  I  will limit our analysis to three translations which include a popular modernist,  a traditional and an orientalist. Here is Muhamad Asad :


69:44  Now if he [whom We have entrusted with it] had dared to attribute some [of his own] sayings unto Us

69:45  We would indeed have seized him by his right hand

69:46  and would indeed have cut his life-vein


Yusuf Ali:

69:44  And if the messenger were to invent any sayings in Our name

69:45  We should certainly seize him by his right hand

69:46  And We should certainly then cut off the artery of his heart


N.J Dawood:

69:44  Had he invented lies concerning Us

69:45  We would have seized him by the right hand

69:46  and severed his heart‘s vein


As we see above Dr. Khalifa has serious competition.  The traditionalist, modernist and orientalist appear to be saying the same thing. Yet, they are saying something somewhat different from Dr. Khalifa.  Let us summarize what we read. If the prophet lied against God then the prophet would have a consequence. The consequence would be a punishment in which the prophet is seized by the right hand and a life giving vain is cut.  The punishment is more harsh than Dr. Khalifa’s translation. But more importantly the reason for the punishment is completely different.  The majority of translations render the passage of 69:44 so that the reader is reassured by God that the prophet cannot lie.  But Dr. Khalifa renders the passage so that the Prophet could not teach or apparently say anything outside of the Qur’an! Who is more correct?


At this point we need to look at each individual verse, starting with 69:44. “Teaching” is Rashad’s rendering of the word “taqawwala.” The arabic Taqawwala implies a verbal rendering of “words” in English. It would be like saying “ I am wording this document correctly.” Word-for-word Qur’an translations write “fabricate”  which although correct in context( as we will see) is not the literal meaning of taqawwala. A literal word for word meaning of the verse  69:44 would be: “If he uttered anything against us..” The  understanding of this passage that the Prophet is forbidding from making a lie against God is universally understood. Classic Tafsirs of Tafsir Ibn Abbas, Tafsir Jalalayn, Tafsir Qummi all have 69:44 taqawwala as meaning fabricate. Modern tafsirs including reformist and non-muslims also share view.  I was unable to find an exception to this, outside of Dr. Khalifa. Even Edip Yuksel renders the passage, “Had he attributed anything falsely to Us.”(Reformist translation.)  Moreover, the term “teaching” is found throughout the Qur’an but not in 69:44! So a layman who comes across this verse for the first time would conclude at the least that Dr. Khalifa was being very non-literal with his usage of terms. We will have more to say on “taqawalla” and “teaching” momentarily.


69:45 is rendered by Dr. Khalifa as “We would have punished him.” The other translations do not use the term punishment, a word that occurs many times in the Qur’an.  Dr. Shenaz’s word for word translation (available on islam renders the passage “Certainly We (would) have seized him by the right hand.”  There is no word for punishment in the literal translation, although it is certainly implied.  To say that the Prophet would be punished is a fair assertion of what the verse is conveying. But  why does Dr. Khalifa not translate the plain meaning of the passage ,that the prophet “would be sized by his right hand”?  Is Dr. Khalifa worried about  upsetting his followers with the actual quranic language? We will explore this question momentarily.


The next verse 69:46 is also rendered in an interesting way by Dr. Khalifa, “We would have stopped the revelations to him.” But our orientalist, modernist, traditionalist contingent stated something much more vivid, that the Prophet would have his life cut from him! Dr. Shenaz’s literal translation reads, “Then certainly We (would) have cut off from him the aorta.”  To say that “revelation would stop” as Dr. Khalifa interprets is not  completely wrong. But at the same time it is not a bad take of the verse!


 If the prophet is killed by Allah s.w.t. then of course the divine revelations would stop!  But the verse says NOTHING about divine revelations.  The cessation of revelations would be a natural outflow of the prophet’s demise. Is this the point of the Qur’ans teaching that the prophet would be punished?(and for teaching?)  If the prophet died, not only would revelation stop, but the prophet would not be able perform any worldly activity.  So why did Dr. Khalfia write “revelations would stop” when he could have more correctly wrote the prophet’s life would end? Again, why did Dr. Khalifa choose to not give the plain meaning of the verse again? Was he also worried about his followers reaction here as well?


We can test how accurate Dr. Khalifa’s translation by examining it’s self-consistency.   How does Dr. Khalifa render the verb “taqawwala” elsewhere?  If Dr. Khalifa is correct in redarning “taqawwala” as “teaching” then we would expect it to be translated as such consistently, provided of course that it fits the appropriate the context.  We find the verb taqawwala in one other place of the Qur’an;Surah Tur. This is Dr. Khalifa’s translation of 52:33 “Do they say, "He made it all up?" Instead, they are simply disbelievers.”   So we see that Dr. Khalifa translates taqawalla as “made it all up.” This implies that the prophet would not lie. Translating surah Tur 52:33 to imply fabrication is consistent with what the other translators said on 69:44 but inconsistent with that Dr. Khalifa said on the same verse!   Why did Dr. Khalifa choose to translate taqawalla in surah Tur as implying fabrication but translate the same word as “teaching” in surah al Haqqah? One would be hard-pressed to find a translation of Surah Tur:33 implying “teaching.”  


Dr. Khalifa translates taqawalla as “teaching” in Surah Haqqah but as fabrication in Surah Tur. Why the inconsistency? Do we have any contextual reasons for the discrepancy in translating two verses? Let us briefly summarize the purport of each of the respective passages. The prophet Muhamamd faced many allegations during his 23 year career as a messenger of God. The idolaters denied his prophethood in the strongest terms.  Surah 52:29 has the Prophet remind people that he is "neither a soothsayer, nor crazy." The Qur'an was responding to allegations that the prophet was not of sound mind and that he was performing some sort of magic on people. The disbelievers also accused him of being no more than a poet due to the beauty of the Qur'an recitation.( 52:30.)  The Qur'an also mentions that the disbelievers advised each other to wait for the prophet's death (and the prophet challenged them to wait with him! 52:31.) As a respons to the idolaters  allegations, the Qur'an asks them " Do they say, "He made it all up?"(52:33) The Qur'anic arabic uses the term "taqawlla" which Rashad translates as "made it all up. One could literally render the passage perhaps as "or do they say he said words.." but the literal wording here would not be correct to the context. Taqawalla has been understood here as fabricating something, or attribute words falsely to something just as it has for Surah Haqqah 44.  The point is that Dr. Khalifa decided to translate "taqawwala" as fabricate in response to the allegations made against the prophet.

What is context of the passages in Surah Haqqah that we have been discussing?  69:40 has the quran tell us that Muhammad is an "honorable messenger."  The next verses  then tells us allegations made against the prophet, that he was a poet(69:41) and a soothsayer (69:42)  The Qur'an counters these allegations by stating  that it is a "revelation from the Lord of the universe"(69:43.)  The Qur'an challenges the disbelievers assertions though in the next verse,   If the prophet fabricated something against God (or merely taught outside re:Rashad) then would be punished (69:44-45.) Whatever the meaning of the next 3 verses (44-46) both Dr. Khalifa and the other translators see the verses in a response manner.


The context of for the usage of the arabic “taqawalla” in Surah Tur and in Surah Haqqah is similar. The Qur’an uses the term as part of a response to the allegations of the disbelievers. In both surahs the disbelievers allege that the prophet is poet or magician of sorts. The Qur’an responds to the allegations in Surah Tur by asking a question “Has he made it all up?” and in Surah Haqqah by issuing a challenge that if the prophet “made up” the revelations then the Prophet would be punished. So there is no contextual reason why Dr. Khalifa would provide two different translations of the same word.  Dr. Khalifa’s translation is thus inconsistent and wrong.


Returning to 69:45-46, why did Dr. Khalifa refuse a translation with the plain meaning of the text? Let us summarize the verses. In response to the prophet engaging in the inappropriate action of 69:44( teach-Rashad, Fabricate-everyone else) the prophet would be sized by the right hand(69:45.) and have his life cut off (69:46.) But Dr. Khalifa only translates the two verses to say the Prophet would be punished (69:45) and revelation would be cut off(69:46) not his life!  Why did Dr. Khalifa not want the readers to know serious consequences for the prophet should he  complete the  inappropriate action of ‘taqawalla’?    


Most people would not have a problem with the Qur’an’s assertion that the Prophet would be killed if he attributes lies to God. In fact this challenge creates faith for believers because we can be assured that other claimants of divine authority would meet the same fate. ( We hold back from mention their names:) ) But if the threat was not fabrication but merely teaching something outside the Qur’an (which Rashad claims) then what do we make out of the meaning? Suppose the  Qur’an said;” If the Prophet teaches something else( as Rashad claims per his translation) then We would seize him by the right hand and kill him.”   Does it not seem harsh that God would kill a prophet so violently for merely teaching something outside the Qur’an?  Dr. Khalifa knew that his own followers would cry injustice against God so in order to support his horrible translation of 69:44 he had to translate the next two verses in an equally horrible way. To create one crime, Dr. Khalifa had to commit two other crimes.


The claim that the Qur’an per 69:44 is forbidding the Prophet from “uttering any other teachings” is not completely incorrect against the actual Arabic. But this holds true only if this passage is read out of context. The notion that any other teachings are forbidden can be a valid implication from the plain meaning of 69:44. But the prohibition against other teachings would not be the actual meaning of the passage itself. In several of our other studies we pointed out how Dr. Khalifa uses language so loosely tied to the actual Arabic that it is difficult to even call it even “non-literal” or “correct.” Often, Dr. Khalifa would provide a translation based on a possible conclusion one could surmise from a verse but lacking in complete alignment with the plain meaning.  In the context of the immediate passages of the Qur’an as well as other verses throughout the Qur’an, the notion that  69:44 prohibits “any other teaching” is problematic due to the inconsistency of translation and other divine assertions concerning the role of the Prophet.




Leaving aside the poorly written subtitle, we assume Dr. Khalifa has 69:44 imply the Qur’an is the “only source of religious teachings” (per what he said elsewhere.)  We wonder the Prophet was able to teach and not able to teach according to Dr. Khalifa. Rashad could argue that Prophet was not allowed to teach anything because even in his translation the Prophet was ordered to “teach scripture” (2:151) meaning the Qur’an. Dr. Khalifa may argue that the Prophet was forbidden from teaching religious doctrines outside the Qur’an. But what does that mean? Would the prophet be prohibited from teaching basic ethics?  A Qur’an only person may argue that the Prophet could teach anything that was “consistent” with the Qur’an. But how are we to define what is acceptable terms of consistency for Dr. Khalifa’s adherents? (Not even their translation is consistent!)  If we say 69:44 implies such teachings forbidden that are outside of quranic notions such as reincarnation, blood atonement  then that may solve the problem of Dr. Khalifa’s meaning temporarily at least.


So Dr. Khalifa may argue that the Prophet is only to teach Qur’an (not teach outside it.)  But how according to Dr. Khalifa did the prophet “teach scripture”?  The prophet was forbidden from being able to explain the Qur’an based on Dr. Khalifa’s own teachings and translation such as Surah 75:16-19.  If Dr. Khalifa’s translation of the passages of Surah 75:16-19 and Surah 69:44-46 are both correct then we must conclude the following: The Prophet is forbidden from explaining the Qur’an and teaching anything outside the Qur’an.  If the prophet was forbidden from teaching anything outside the Qur’an and explaining the Qur’an then what in the world was God ordered the prophet to teach?


Perhaps a student of Dr. Khalifa would argue that the Prophet was ordered to teach the Qur’an by  recitation. In other words, the Prophet Muhammad was ordered to teach Qur’an recitation to people in the same way that the Qur’an was preserved by Muslims across the globe via oral tradition over 1400 years. A traditional rendering of  Surah 75:16-19 implies that the Prophet received the Quranic revelation and the act of verbal recitation was paramount to the revelatory process.  It would follow naturally then that the Prophet taught the Qur’an in the same way to the companions and so on. History records this.  But Dr. Khalifa would not be able to make this argument either. In the first case  Dr. Khalifa implicitly dismisses the Qur’ans verbal recitation as a means of preservation because it contradicts his FABRICATED notion that the Prophet wrote the Qur’an. ( We explained this in bulk in other places.) More importantly, there is no place in Dr. Khalifa’s own translation for the notion that the Prophet taught the Qur’an verbally.  Dr. Khalifa rendered Surah 75:16-19 to imply that the Prophet was forbidden from explaining the Qur’an. Thus, there is nothing in Dr. Khalifa’s rendering of the 3 passages imply the possibility of Dr. Khalifa teaching the Qur’an even by recitation. Thus there is no Quranic basis for the Prophet to teach the Qur’an by recitation.


If the Prophet is unable to A) explain the Qur’an B) teach anything outside the Quran and C) teach recitation of the Qur’an, then what exactly was the prophet ordered to teach? Would Dr. Khalifa believe the Prophet “taught” the Qur’an by mere repetition of Quranic ayats?  The mere repetition of words is not “teaching” by anyone’s definition. To end the discussion, Dr. Khalifa and his adherents assertion; that the Prophet is not able to explain the Qur’an; is incoherent.

 As we saw, Dr. Khalifa's rendering of 69:44-47 is at odds with traditional tafsirs, liberal modern commentators and even some Qur'an only adherents who follow his mantle in one way or another. Dr. Khalifa's translation is up against giants and no we don't consider the  Islamic clergy put on the turbaned pedestal  to be beyond re-approach.  It only takes a David to slay Goliath, provided it is done correctly.  But  Rashad bartered the sling-shot for the rubber band. Dr. Khalifa owed it to his readers why he diverged from the traditional interpretation here as well as elsewhere. Unfortunately, Rashad never provided an explanation as to how his rendering of taqawwal was better than the mainstream understanding. Perhaps, Dr. Khalifa's animosity towards the notion that the Prophet gave explanations of the Qur'an hindered Dr. Khalifa from giving his own. 






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