Wednesday, March 1, 2023

The Institute of Rashad Khalifa Studies

 The Institute of Rashad Khalifa Studies 

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Blog Round up; links below 

Series: The question of the Prophet and literacy?

Rashad's arguments for the prophet's literacy in the Qur'an

A look at the Rashad's arguments for the Prophet's literacy in the Qur'an.  This is based on Appendix 28

Rashad Khalifa and Muhammad's literacy: Plagarism and bad history

Find out how Dr. Khalifa plagiarized to come up with some bad history.

Is the Qur'an a book ? A look at Rashad Khalifa's conception vs Academic analysis

Learn how Dr. Khalifa confuses the ascension of the Prophet with the First Revelation event.

'Authorized' Version of the Quran study Series

A Qur’anic prophecy about a medieval rabbi.

Is the Qur’an ‘fully detailed’?

Some Quranists love to use Dr. Khalifa's translation  for arguments but how good is his translation? 

The "Statute book" as Furqan. 

Another critique of Rashad's "Authorized version" of the qur'an translation.

Doubt or infallible? Rashad on Surah 2:1

A poor translation of Surah 2:1 

Sufism and Submission: The influence of mystical islam on Rashad Khalifa

Dr. Khalifa was no Sufi (nor was his father.) but he was certainly influenced by them. 

Rashad's commandment to the Jews "You shall Believe in This Quran."

Before you call the ADL on the ouji board, read the article. 

Revelation outside the Qur'an

Muhammad Forbidden from Issuing Any Religious Teachings?

Inquiry into Surah 69:44-47 of 'The Final Testament'

Mathematical miracle Series 

Edip Yuksel on Rashad Khalifa " A modern day Pythagoras "

Is math "physical evidence"? Dr. Khalifa Ph.D thinks so.

Just more proof that Dr. Khalifa did not understand math.

Studies in the concept of revelation according to Dr. Khalifa

Divine Origin of Rashad's translation

"Every word here is the word of God. This is not my word. This is not my translation, this is God's translation."

Mathematical codes in previous scripture?

Hadith and Qur'an-only arguments 

Hearsay, hadith and history

Does the status of hadith as "hearsay" invalidate it's historicity? 

Which hadith besides the Qur’an do they believe in?

Does Quran forbid hadith?

Do not move your tongue to hasten it 75:16

General articles on Rashad Khalifa 

Rashad’s plan to dominate the world

The Rape allegations against Dr. Khalifa: 

Slander against Ayesha and Rashad’s debacle

Rashad Khalifa Prophesied in Hadith

A Submitter has proven as such! 

Hearsay on Bin Baz: The World is Flat

Is hearsay wrong? Dr. Khalifa and Yuksel had no problem using it!

What Dr. Rashad Khalifa got right

Not everything Dr. Khalifa said was wrong. 

Joseph Smith and Rashad Khalifa

A comparison between two false prophets. 

Ibn Kathir and Rashad's Whale of a Problem

Dr. Khalifa's silly error on ibn Kathir. 

Historical Epistemology of Rashad Khalifa 

How did Rashad Khalifa understand history?

The Abrahamic Sunnah: Another enquiry into Dr. Khalifa's historical epistemology

Explore the convergence between Rashad Khalifa and Imam Malik's notion of practical knowledge

Abrogation, divine law and prophetic history

Dr. Khalifa's ideas of revelation are contradictory. 

Islamic Reformer or Sectarian?

Sectarianism among qur'an only groups. 

Edip Yuksel on Medina, A "federal secular republic"?

Tampering with the word of God Series

A look at Dr. Khalifa's clumsy attempt to re-write history. This series is regarding Surah 9:128,129 or the two "false" verses.

Rashad's Appendix 24 Tampering With the Word of God

An introduction to Rashad Khalifa's false claims on 9:128-129

Part 2 Rashad's chronology of events- Appendix 24

This demonstrates that Dr. Khalifa's math knowledge on chronological events. If we cannot trust him for basic math here then how can we trust him with the "math" of his "miraculous" claims?

Part three Tampering with word of God: The case of Marwan ibn Hakam

Marwan was no angel but his role in the "conspiracy" is baseless. 

Part Four: Tampering with the word of God Ali and the “False verse” conspiracy

A look at the Ali and the other characters in Dr. Khalifa's silly conspiracy to add verses to  the Qur'an. 

Part Five The role of Zayd ibn Thahbit and Rashad's conspiracy

The alleged conspiracy to add the 2 "false" verses to Qur'an center on the character of Zayd. 

Part SixHussain’s martyrdom according to Dr. Khalifa

Rashad’s plan to dominate the world


        Rashad’s plan to dominate the world: 

The United Islamic Nation of Dr. Rashad Khalifa. 


Did you know that at one time Dr. Rashad Khalifa, Ph.D, had a plan to take over the world? (Yes, you heard me.) Before Dr. Khalifa was “Messenger of the Covenant” he was a self-proclaimed world leader.  Dr. Rashad Khalifa announced the creation of the United Islamic Nation in September 1985 in his Muslim Perspective newsletter.  This paper will give some historical perspective to Rashad’s now all but forgotten diabolical plans.


Dr. Rashad Khalifa announced the creation of the "United Islamic Nation" (UIN) on the front page of his September 1985 newsletter in big letters.  The Arabic translation of UIN was written under the English to show how important he considered this proclamation. There are two issues of MP devoted to the UIN claims and we will go through each publication.


 What sort of "islamic nation" was the UIN supposed to be? Did Dr. Khalifa want to model his country after the Islamic Republic of Iran? The subtitle reads "not sunni, not shia, only Muslim."   We assume that by "only Muslim" Dr. Khalifa has in mind "Quran only" rejectors of tradition.


What would be the benefit of the UIN to Dr. Khalifa's readers? The second subtitle "Peace  **  Love  **  Freedom  **  Prosperity  **  Justice"   Who would not want to live in such a country?  How will these ideals be established?


Where will this "nation" be established? "***** From Morocco to Indonesia ***** From Nigeria to Turkey*****" reads the third subtitle. Does Dr. Khalifa have in mind "united nations" in a federal system? Or does he believe in a one world government?   He repeats the claim on the second page that the government would extend from Morocco to Indonesia. Here we learn that it will be a federal government. But where would this federal government be based? ( We are sure the reader knows the answer already.)


What big promises from a rather miniscule individual. Dr. Khalifa is however confident in the establishment of the UIN for he writes in the subtitle of the first subsection: FUTURE GENERATIONS SHALL RECOGNIZE THIS AS: “THE TUCSON DECLARATION OF SEPTEMBER 15, 1985 (MUHARRAM 1, 1406)”     Why does Dr. Khalifa say the Declaration was signed in Tucson Arizona?   What declaration is he even talking about? Does he mean the September newsletter? ( Yes he does.) Dr. Khalifa does not say. But we know he holds Tucson important because that is where he happens to live. We can thus surmise Dr. Khalifa himself has something to do with the one world government!

"Only those who are blessed by Almighty God through reading and understanding the Qur’an’s mathematical miracle will appreciate the enormous significance of this historic announcement. All others will surely mock and scoff, and will surely suffer grave consequence as decreed in Qur’an:"


So how are we supposed to understand the creation of the so-called United Islamic Nation? Dr. Khalifa claims that only people who understand the "math miracle" can appreciate his government.  Rashad rightly predicts that other people would mock him.  But what does the math miracle have to do with the world government?  Dr. Khalifa does not say.


But the faithful should not fear scorn: "The inevitable events will stun the scoffers as these Qur’anic projections unfold during the coming years. The truth is destined to prevail, while falsehood will vanish:"       Dr. Khalifa wrote those words 35 years ago from our time of writing and so we wonder what inevitable events he has in mind. The rest of the front page of the UIN proclamation gives a "lesson" on the number 19 mathematical manipulations and numerology. Dr. Khalifa then reiterates on the second page that only people who understand the "miracle" would appreciate his government.


How do we know such a global Islamic government will come into being? A reader unfamiliar with Dr. Khalifa's claims may be baffled by reading the September 85 issue. By talking about the creation of a global Islamic state with such boldness, is Dr. Khalifa not proclaiming himself implicitly to being a prophet? Nay. " It is NOT we who foretelling the future. This declaration has been mathematically inscribed within the letters, words and verses of Qur’an." Dr. Khalifa says that the "proof" of his claims are in the Qur'an itself. But through the mathematical hermeneutics (manipulations) we can know it is true.

Here is a list of “facts” pertaining to the creation of the UIN according to Dr. Khalfia:

*** The UIN constitution is already in existence; it is the Qur’an, the whole Qur’an and nothing but the Qur’an.


Since when we can use the Qur’an as a state implemented “constitution”?  Saudi Arabia claims the Qur’an to be their constitution but it is in name only. The Qur’an is a book of religious guidance. We believe the Qur’an does have guidance in government matters but it cannot suffice as a constitution for a viable state.  The common phrase Dr. Khalifa says “the quran, whole quran and nothing but the Quran “ is a silly notion that is not based on the Qur’an itself.


*** All the laws are already written down in Qur’an, the whole Qur’an, and nothing but Qur’an.


The late Dr. Khalifa and his followers are lovers of the American system of government.  They do not tend to have the world views of people in other islamic countries. Therefor we would ask them how they would derive the system of “checks and balances” and any system of democracy by simply reading the Qur’an?


*** The economic system, a perfect system, is spelled out in detail in Qur’an


What economic system is Dr. Khalifa talking about in the Qur’an? I agree that the Qur’an does have information to offer on ethical practices and dispelling economic injustice such as usury.  But can we really derive a whole economic system by reading “the quran alone”?




Dr. Khalifa made the last point in bigger front. He must have had fear the authorities would arrest him for these bold claims. Indeed we know that the FBI did look into him at one time of his life but this was probably based on his short stay in Libya (where he tried to con the Libyan people into his fake scientific agricultural ideas.) Dr. Khalifa wants to re-assure people that he has no desire to overthrow a government himself at least: “This matter (of overthrowing governments) is entirely in God’s hand; His invisible and invincible soldiers will control this matter according to Qur’anic projections.”  I do not think that a government would be alarmed by Dr. Khalifa’s claims. But Dr. Khalifa’s is no longer displays good citizenship by implicitly advocating the overthrow of the government, even if it is through angels.


After reminding us that the islamic government would be world wide we are told it would also be constituted as federal. Then *** All Muslim countries in the region will sooner or later join UIN. Any government that rejects the invitation to establish God’s truth and join UIN will fall. Only governments that join will survive..”        What does Dr. Khalifa mean by “Sooner or later”? Is this not also a bold claim? After all it has been 35 years and Dr. Khalifa’s spiritual heirs are no sooner close to establishing this so called UIN.  There are several governments in the islamic world, all be-it corrupt, yet they are soundly in existence.



*** Every Muslim, anywhere in the world, who upholds the original unaltered Islam as preached by God’s final prophet Muhammad by following Qur’an, the whole Qur’an, and nothing but Qur’an, is automatically a member of UIN.


Thereby 99.99 percent of the world is excluded from the so-called UIN.  Would Dr. Khalifa be willing to admit as citizens those who upload the Qur’an as the primary source of information and the hadith as secondary? No, because he has dismissed even that category of persons as idolaters!



*** Almost all present governments in the region will reject and scoff at this offer. Consequently, there will be a change of government in that region at the rate of at least three government every two years, until a government comes with the specific objective of joining UIN.


At times Dr. Khalifa can appear to be realistic. He says that all present governments in the region will reject the “offer.”  That may appear to be correct because his claims are so ludicrous but he is wrong. No government rejected the offer. That is because no government knew about it or cared to address the “offer.” What offer does Dr. Khalifa have in mind?   The claims are too incoherent to even be refuted.


Dr. Khalifa’s second bold claim is that  “the rate of at least three government every two years, until a government comes with the specific objective of joining UIN.”  Well when did three governments fall every two years in according with his criteria?   How would we measure the progress towards the UIN ideal?  How would we define a government “fall”?


*** The Islam being practiced in the region today has been severely distorted by traditions, innovations, and superstitions; it has nothing to do with true Islam. Upon joining UIN, the people of the new member state will be re-educated. The original Islam, as preached by Muhammad, will be re-established.


Dr. Khalifa claimed that today’s islam is not “True islam.” Very well but how does he define true islam? Dr. Khalifa must have been to quick to bring this peace to the publisher.  He should have provided a quick definition of true islam and explained how it differentiates from “false” islam.


We wonder how Dr. Khalifa will “re-educate” people to his ideology. Perhaps by providing a copy of the “Final testament?” Dr. Khalifa must have been inspired by re-education prison camps in the communis world. Perhaps he will force people to sit through long winded “mathematical ” miracle demonstrations of the Qur’an.


*** All present-day idolatry throughout the Muslim world will be abolished and all shrines and tombs of saints and so-called saints, including the Prophet’s tomb in Medina, will be demolished. All mosques will be re-dedicated to the worship of GOD ALONE:


Why would Dr. Khalifa want to destroy tombs of saints?  Can we find evidence for this decision in the “quran alone”? If not, then we have no business disturbing the dead for Dr. Khalifa’s misguided puritanical fundamentalism which mascaraed to some people  (wrongly) as a liberal form of islam.  If Dr. Khalifa or his followers want to tear down the prophet’s tomb in Medina then money should be raised for a bulldozers and an invitation to Dr. Khalifa’s followers to drive the bulldozer in Medina should be made.


*** THE ADVISORY BOARD OF UIN has already sent an invitation to every government in the UIN region, along with a copy of this Declaration.


Who determines the methodology of the “advisory board” to the UIN? Are they elected officials or those selected by Dr. Khalifa himself?   We have no reason to believe that Dr. Khalifa sent out the “invitation” as he does not even tell us what the invitation was for.  Are we to believe that Dr. Khalifa sent a copy of the “September newsletter” to world governments? In that case we would expect lawmakers with the best of intentions to reject the “invitation” “declaration” because it seems to juvenile and incoherent.


*** Any government that expresses serious interest in studying the projected federation will be provided with all needed information, along with incontrovertible proof of authenticity and divine source of this Declaration.


We wander what the “projected federation” documents for study would look like. I have a feeling it would be a number salad of meaningless numbers that appear as a “mathematical code” such as his other previous publications for so-called math miracle of the Qur’an. The “incontrovertible” proof can only be his 19 miracle.


*** The governments involved are in the following states: Afghanistan, Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Malaysia, Morocco, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, Uganda and the United Arab Emirates.


A list of islamic nations are given to state their “involvement” with the UIN. Did Dr. Khalifa publish this to soon for the press? In what way are all these governments involved in Dr. Khalifa’s enterprise? But we should ignore are skepticism for “*** Victory of the UNITED ISLAMIC NATION is absolutely guaranteed *** “


*** Because UIN will set a perfect example for the rest of the world, additional countries will join. Two stubborn corners will refuse to join, namely, USA & USSR (GOG & MAGOG). Just before the end of the world (1710 AH/2280 AD), the USA & USSR will try to crush the Islamic giant. That is when the horn will be blown, and the Day of Judgment will come to pass.


Dr. Khalifa contradicts himself with this assertion. Here, he says that USA and USSR will reject the UIN. We assume that the world islamic government will be composed by the Muslims nations listed above.  But in the November 1986 issue of Muslim Perspectives Dr. Khalifa writes on the front page title “ARABS DISMISSED FROM GOD’S GRACE.”   Why does Dr. Khalifa not define Gog and Magog as the arab nations then?   It seems that by November 1986, Dr. Khalifa already forgot about his UIN claims (he doesn’t mention them after 1985.) and the things he previously said. Earlier Dr. Khalifa claimed that the basic islamic world would accept the UIN but by November 1986 he rejected Muslim world as well as candidates for anything.



*** An annual convention will be held by the UIN Advisory Board to review the progress of these events, and to confirm the Qur’an’s most exciting prophesies. Attendance at the conventions will be by invitation only.


*** The conventions will be held, God willing, as follows:


Muharram 1407 (September 5,6,& 7, 1986) in San Francisco.

Muharram 1408 (August 21, 22, &23, 1987) in Monte Carlo (Monaco).

Muharram 1409 (August 12, 13 & 14, 1988) in Sydney, Australia.


Dr. Khalifa lived for four years after the September 1985 issue. What “progress” did the advisory board to the UIN document? We challenge the Submtiter’s to publish this progress.  It seem these “Advisory” boards are no more than Dr. Khalifa’s own submitter’s conventions.


Dr. Khalifa mentioned the UIN very rarely after the September 1985 issue.  Rashad begam to focus on his claim to be Imam Mahdi but later morphed that messianic claim for that of the ‘Messenger of the covenant.” Today the followers of Dr. Khalifa like the Submitters and Edip Yuksel conveniently forget Dr. Khalifa’s initial claims.  Dr. Khalifa’s statements are indeed embarrassing to his students.   Rashad Khalifa thought of himself as a caliph such as  Abu Bakr or Umar. But in reality his diabolical schemes make him more out to be like such sinister characters  in films as Dr. Evil of Austin Powers or perhaps Olympus from the Cat in Outer Space.















The Institute of Rashad Khalifa Studies

 The Institute of Rashad Khalifa Studies  Welcome to the Institute of Rashad Khalifa Studies . Welcome to IRKS! Find out how to get a Ph.D. ...